Post Mortem Review

Our game development process started with brainstorming ideas and conceptualizing the game mechanics. Once we had established a  solid concept, we divided the tasks among ourselves to execute the project efficiently. We chose Unity2D as our game development platform, which offered a vast array of tools and features that helped us bring our vision to life.

A critical aspect of our game was the player's ability to travel through different worlds and face unique enemies at each level. We designed four levels, including a tutorial level to introduce players to the game mechanics. In the first level, players had to find and destroy enemy spaceships,  the second level involved eliminating enemy characters and rescuing a friend, and the third level served as the boss level, where players had to battle against both enemy spaceships and characters. To assist players with navigation and coordination, we incorporated a mini-map with different colors indicating enemies and friends.

We take pride in several successes achieved during our game development journey. These include the successful implementation of various game mechanics, such as player movement, weapon systems, mini-map, and enemy behavior, which contributed to an engaging gameplay experience. Additionally, despite facing challenges with sprite animations, we were able to create visually appealing sprites and animations that brought the game to life.

However, we also faced challenges during the development process. One such challenge was struggling with sprite animations, as one problematic state could sometimes crash the entire animator, necessitating additional time for troubleshooting and fixing the issues. Despite these challenges, we learned valuable skills throughout the game development process. We gained expertise in creating better sprites with bones and animations, which improved the game's visual quality. We also developed a deeper understanding of game management and organization, as well as how to troubleshoot and fix issues related to animations and states in Unity2D. Moreover, we learned the importance of being resourceful, seeking out tutorials and documentation to overcome challenges and enhance our game development skills.

Looking ahead, we would make several revisions to improve our game further if given the opportunity. These include optimizing animations and states to prevent crashes and enhance overall performance, continuing playtesting and gathering feedback to fine-tune game balance, and adding more features like power-ups, different weapon types, and additional levels to expand the gameplay and provide more variety for players.

In conclusion, the development process of Cosmic Clash was both challenging and rewarding. Despite encountering numerous obstacles, we gained essential skills and a deeper understanding of game design, ultimately creating an engaging gaming experience for our players.

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